Spencers Microtomes

Sledge Microtomes:
Spencers Heavy duty Sliding or sledge Microtome for cutting sections of plastic moulds ,wood and other hard specimens. The sledge microtome is used for cutting sectioning of brass, copper too. It cuts sections in the thickness between the range of 3 to 30 microns.


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Freezing Microtomes:

Spencers Freezing Microtome is used for cutting thin to semi-thin sections of fresh, frozen tissue and semi-thin sections The Microtome is equipped with a stage upon which tissue can be quickly frozen using either liquid carbon dioxide, from a cylinder, or a low temperature re-circulating coolant.

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Wood Microtomes:
Spencers Heavy duty wood microtome , jung German Type for cutting sections of plastic moulds ,wood and other hard specimens. The wood microtome is used for cutting sectioning of brass, copper too. It cuts sections in the thickness between the range of 3 to 30 microns.

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Hand Microtomes:
Spencers simple and portable combination of hand and table microtome recommended for field work and also in laboratories for cutting fresh tissues.

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Algeria , Angola , Chad, Cote d’Ivoire , Dr Congo , Ethiopia , Guyana , Haiti , Kenya , Lesotho , Libya , Mali , Mauritania , Mozambique
Namibia , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , South Africa , Sudan , Swaziland , Tanzania , Zambia , Zimbabwe , France , Brazil , Egypt , Israel
Kuwait , Saudi Arabia , UAE , Austria , Lithuania , Balkans , Luxembourg , Belgium , The Netherlands , Bulgaria , Norway , Cyprus
Sweden , Czech Republic , Poland, Denmark , Portugal , Estland , Romania , Finland , Russia , Belarus , Ukraine , Slovakia , Germany , Spain , Hungary
Switzerland , Turkey , Italy , Latvia , United Kingdom , USA , United States of America , India , Asia , Australia , China , Pakistan , Shri Lanka
Dubai , New York , California , Carolina , Chiacgo , Japan , Korea , London , UK , Paris , India , India , India , India , India